To top up and fly with bio fuel contributes to reduced fossil emissions. Every kilogram of bio fuel reduces the fossil emissions with approx. 70%.

As a member of BRA Vänner, you can choose to trade your earned bonus points for bio fuel. That contributes to an increased use of bio fuel within aviation. In time, that will lead to a bigger production and lower bio fuel prices. 

We order the fuel ourselves från Air BP and make sure it is fueled in Sweden, in our aircrafts. 
Bio fuel costs approx. five times as much as fossil aircraft fuel and is manufactured in small amounts. Your points go to the additional cost between fossil fuel and bio fuel. 
An hour of flight time with Braathens Regional Airlines consumes in average 15 liters bio fuel per passanger.

This is how it works
You need to be logged in. Log in at the top to the right on our website. 
Go to "My page" and, at the top of the page you will find "Buy bio fuel" and then you just follow the instructions. 

You can trade:

1 000 points = 2 liters
5 000 points = 10 liters
10 000 points = 22 liters
20 000 points = 50 liters

Contact us
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact BRA Vänner.

Thank you for making a climate smart choice with Braathens Regional Airlines!